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Hey! So Glad You're Here.

I am a student who was inspired by the English classes connected with English songs. I hope everyone can understand the meaning behind the lyrics and connect the vocabulary when listening to English songs.

I am not majoring in English. If there are any translation errors, please feel free to leave a message at the wishing fountain! Thank you 🙇‍♀️

Due to academic reasons, we are unable to update regularly. Thank you for your understanding.

我是一名受到與英語歌曲相關的英語課程啟發的學生。 希望大家在聽英文歌曲時能夠理解歌詞背後的意義並連結詞彙。

我並不是主修英文的。 如有翻譯錯誤,歡迎在許願泉留言! 謝謝你🙇‍♀️



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